Tinker Cookie Cutter Build

Boush - Tinker Cookie Cutter Build

Skill Build
Level 1 - Laser
Level 2 - Heat Seeking Missile
Level 3 - Laser
Level 4 - Heat Seeking Missile
Level 5 - Laser
Level 6 - Heat Seeking Missile
Level 7 - Laser
Level 8 - Heat Seeking Missile
Level 9 - Refresh
Level 10-13 - March of the Machines
Level 14-25 - Stats / Refresh

Upgrade Refresh to level 2 when you obtain Shiva's Guard and then to level 3 when you have Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse.

Item Build

Starting Items
Bottle - Branches x4
Boots of Travel

Mid Game Items
Bottle - Branches x3
Boots of Travel - Shiva's Guard

Late Game Items
Boots of Travel
Shiva's Guard
Black King Bar
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
Linken's Sphere
Heart of Tarrasque

Playing Strategy
1. Farm for Boots of Travel as quickly as possible.
2. Use runes to maintain lane control and gank sidelanes.
3. When you have the boots, teleport around the map and use March of the Machines to farm.
4. Complete your Core items and you'll own.
5. Tinker needs a significant awareness of the map to be effective since you will be teleporting a lot.
6. Teleport to ganks and get the last shot with Laser or Missile
7. If you can afford it, buy wards for the team since you'll be farming most of the time and will have lots of gold.
8. During fights, stay uphill, in the trees, within the fog, etc. Don't go inside the chaos.

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